Visual Signs of Prostate Cancer

Visual Signs of Prostate Cancer

Cancer is the result when cells in any part of the body grow out of control and destroy the normal body cells. This abnormal cell growth makes it difficult for the body and its cells to function normally. Different kinds of cancer can start in any part of the body and though similar in some ways, can be dissimilar in the ways they spread and grow. When cells in the prostate gland begin to grow out of control it is the start of prostate cancer. Cancer in this organ which may develop due to age, family history, or social habits such as smoking, can grow slowly and often, without noticeable symptoms.

However, prostate cancers may grow aggressively and spread rapidly to other parts of the body. If undiagnosed and untreated it will be detrimental to health. The symptoms of prostate cancer may not be easy to recognize in the early stages. Symptoms can be different in every case, and symptoms may not be due to cancer but to other ailments. So, tests or screening needs to be done to determine the presence or absence of prostate cancer. The position of the prostate below the bladder and around the urethra will cause early symptoms of prostate cancer to show up as various urinary problems. These will include:

1. Difficulty urinating
In the early stage and depending on the location and size, as the tumor grows in the prostate, it may squeeze the urethra and restrict the flow of urine. So, difficulty may be experienced in starting and stopping urination. There will also be a decrease in the flow of urine due to constriction.

2. More frequent urges to urinate
Due to the difficulty urinating the bladder may not be emptied each time so the urge to urinate becomes more frequent. This may be more so during nighttime.

3. Pain or burning during urination
This is another symptom caused by the pressure of the prostrate on the urethra. Due to the constriction of this tube through which the urine flows pain or burning will be experienced.

4. Blood present in urine
Due to the nature of cancer generally, and he impact on normal body and organ cells, bleeding can result and will be seen in the urine.

5. Pain or stiffness in the pelvis, hips or lower back that does not go away
The presence of prostate cancer may affect the nerves and surrounding muscles and so cause these problems.

6. Chronic fatigue from the low red blood cell count
The toll that cancer cells take on the body and its nutrients requirements will impact on the body’s health and its ability to be at its optimum. Thus, resulting in fatigue due to the cancer’s depleting effect.

7. Loss of bladder control
This symptom can result from the damaging effect of the cancer cell on the muscles controlling the release of urine from the bladder.

8. Blood in semen and painful ejaculation
The prostate produces some of the fluid that is ejaculated with the semen. The damage to normal cells would cause bleeding and the release of blood into the semen.

9. Erectile dysfunction
This is another way in which prostate, like any other cancer will deplete the body and impact how it functions.