Follow These Simple Tips to Avoid Credit Card Debt
Credit card debt is one of the most common ways you can get into financial commitments without even realizing it. When you do not clear your entire credit card bill due for a particular month, the balance amount becomes your credit card debt. The bank levies interest on this due amount and with every month, you end up accumulating more debt. Here are a few smart tips to avoid credit card debt: Buy only what you can afford: This is one of the most important tips to avoid credit card debt. Owning a credit card does not mean that your buying capacity has increased. Except for the fact that you can clear your credit card bills in the next cycle, there is no difference between cash payments and using a credit card, so make it a point to buy only what you can afford to pay for. Have an idea of your disposable income for the month: Disposable income is the money you have in hand after paying for all your essential expenses, and this money can be spent as you wish. Track your expenditure records for a few months and determine your average disposable income. Then, make it a habit to not make credit card purchases beyond this figure.