Odors that Can Cause Migraines

Odors that Can Cause Migraines

Migraines refer to recurrent and throbbing headaches that mostly affect one side of the head. The frequent headaches are usually accompanied by disturbed vision and nausea and extreme sensitivity to sound and light. The attacks last for hours to days, and the pain can be severe to interfere with the day’s norms. There are several factors that are associated with symptoms of migraines. In other words, some elements are related to the art of triggering migraines.

Such factors include stress, sleep changes, physical factors, weather changes, smell, among others. The article will, therefore, focus on some of the odors that triggers migraines:

1. Cigarette smoke
Victims of migraines associate these conditions with unusual smells that trigger headaches. Sharp odors from cigars tend to trigger these pains. Both inhaling and smoking the second-hand smoke might trigger a problem. The aspect is linked to the fact that nicotine is a vasoactive substance that causes a change in the size of blood vessels in one’s brain hence triggering migraines.

2. Food smells
Research studies have revealed that there is a list of foods that trigger migraine attacks because of their smell. The aspect is linked to the fact that some of these feeds contain MSG and histamine that tend to trigger headaches. Some of these feeds include cheese, artificial sweeteners, caffeinated drinks as well as cured meats. Most of these feeds have strong smells that trigger hyper reactions in the body that ends up in headaches.

3. Alcohol
A lot of clinical studies have associated alcohol with migraines. However, risk is overrated. Alcohol provokes migraine attacks in different ways. One, excessive exposure to alcohol triggers headaches. Also, migraine victims who consume alcohol may experience extreme waves of headaches due to a delayed hangover. However, people who are sensitive to odors are affected by alcohol, and its smell alone triggers severe headaches.

4. Cleaning products
Most cleaning products are filled with chemicals that might trigger headaches to migraine victims. The aspect is linked to the fact that most of these chemicals are topped with chemical toxins that tend to suffocate the environment. Most of these chemicals are smelly and contain some histamine related products that trigger migraines.
Also, these cleaning products are preserved using a variety of volatile organic compounds that often trigger migraines. Therefore it’s advisable to open your windows when cleaning to avail of plenty of fresh air in a room. Also, it is prudent to throw away unused cleaners and never mix cleaning compounds. The aspect is linked to the fact that some of these chemicals can react and release sharp smells that might trigger a migraine.

5. Perfumes
Although perfumes and strong colognes are pleasant, not all people embrace them. The aspect is linked to the fact that most of them cause vessels to dilate and trigger migraines in the long run. The vasodilation of vessels stimulates the nervous system in the brain that is mostly associated with headaches.
Luckily most of these migraines disappear on their own. However, it is wise to seek medical intervention when the attacks are severe. Also, you need to choose products that are free from fragrance and avoid such attacks. Keep your doors and windows open when using chemical products to let in fresh air circulate your house. In addition, any form of exercise is an excellent cure for all headaches despite their triggers.