Lifestyle Changes That Help Manage Asthma

Lifestyle Changes That Help Manage Asthma

Asthma is a condition in which the airways become inflamed and irritated. They also produce more mucus and make breathing difficult. Some common factors that can trigger this condition are air pollution, allergens, strong emotions, and strenuous workout sessions. If you are suffering from this condition, these simple lifestyle tips for managing asthm a may help.

Reduce Exposure to Dust and Allergens
This is one of the most important lifestyle tips for managing asthma. House dust and allergens can irritate the airways and cause allergic reactions. Therefore, vacuum the mattresses, pillows, carpets, curtains and upholstery, and furniture regularly to remove dust and allergens. Do not keep many stuffed animals in your child’s room as they can attract dust easily.

Get Rid of Mold
Molds live indoors as well as outdoors. To manage molds inside your house, reduce humidity or moisture levels with the help of a dehumidifier. If there are any water leaks, get them repaired at the earliest. When you see any mold on a surface, use a fungicide and clean it immediately.

Quit Smoking
This is one of the most vital lifestyle tips for managing asthma. Cigarette or cigar smoke can trigger the condition and worsen it over time. Studies have shown that smoking also makes asthma medications less effective. Also, stay away from bars and other places where you will be exposed to smoke. Do not allow anyone to smoke in your house or car either, as it may cause a lot of discomfort.

Don’t Adopt Furry Pets
All warm-blooded animals shed fur, skin, urine, saliva, and droppings that contain allergens. These may trigger allergy and asthma symptoms in those suffering from the condition. If you have asthma, it is better not to keep a furry friend. Even if you have one, keep it off the carpets and furniture. Keep it clean and make sure its coat is brushed outside the house.

Avoid Prepackaged Foods
Prepackaged foods contain preservatives that may trigger asthma in some. Hence, have home-cooked food and avoid prepackaged ones. Make sure you include more whole grains, fresh fruits, vegetables, and lean meats in your diet.

Manage Stress
The list of lifestyle tips for managing asthma is incomplete without this one. Stress may aggravate the symptoms and increase the risk of an asthma attack. So, try to keep stress at bay through yoga, meditation, and deep breathing. Do inform your doctor if panic attacks trigger asthma.

According to experts, staying fit and active will keep your lungs in a better condition and alleviate the risk of asthma attacks. However, talk to your doctor before starting a fitness program and do not overexert yourself.

These are some important lifestyle tips for managing asthma effectively. Also, follow a healthy diet to strengthen your lungs and heart and resist asthma attacks.