Home Remedies to deal with Ticks and Fleas in Dogs

Home Remedies to deal with Ticks and Fleas in Dogs

Getting rid of fleas and ticks can be very difficult, and they irritate your dog’s skin and can make it scratch itself continuously. Several medicated shampoos available in the market can help fight ticks and fleas, but they can also cause side effects. On the other hand, home remedies are safe for you and your pet, so here are a few home remedies to get rid of fleas and ticks in dogs:

  • Essential oils
    Essential oils like peppermint, citronella, tea tree, rosemary, and eucalyptus can be diluted with water and sprayed onto your dog’s fur to repel fleas. This spray has the additional benefit of making your dog smell nice, but ensure that you don’t use essential oils without diluting them.
  • Lime juice
    Keeping your dog clean is crucial to fighting a flea or tick infestation, so pick an organic pet shampoo. Mix a portion of this shampoo with half a cup of lime juice and two cups of water. The easy availability of these ingredients makes this one of the most popular home remedies to get rid of fleas and ticks in dogs. Once the shampoo is lathered, leave it on for a few minutes before rinsing.
    Alternatively, you can dip your dog’s brush or comb in diluted lime juice and use it to brush their fur. Dogs with short hair can be wiped down with a cloth dipped in diluted lemon juice to keep fleas and ticks away.
  • Neem oil
    Neem oil is a well-known natural insect repellant and is used in several home remedies to get rid of fleas and ticks in dogs. The oil is available at pet shops, nurseries, and online, and you can apply it directly to your dog’s fur or dilute it with water to make a spray.
  • Vinegar
    Vinegar can be diluted with water and made into a spray to keep fleas and ticks away from your pet. When spraying this mixture on your dog’s fur, be careful to avoid spraying it into your pet’s eyes. Vinegar can also be applied directly to a tick you find on your dog to make it release its hold on the skin. You can use a cotton ball to do this or pour a few drops directly on the tick. Having said that, do not add vinegar to your dog’s drinking water as it might not drink the water and develop dehydration.
  • Rosemary
    Boil a few rosemary leaves in water, and then strain and cool the solution. After cooling, dilute and use it to rinse your dog’s fur. Do not use a towel to dry the dog after this rinse; instead, allow their fur to dry naturally.

Apart from following these home remedies to get rid of fleas and ticks in dogs, you should wash all your soft furnishings and vacuum all surfaces thoroughly. Also, if home remedies do not help, consult your veterinarian.