Hemophilia – Symptoms and Treatment Options

Hemophilia – Symptoms and Treatment Options

Hemophilia is a disorder in which the blood loses the ability to properly form a clot. This disorder affects mostly men, and more than 30,000 of them innthe country suffer from this disorder. Knowing the symptoms of hemophilia will help one cope better and get the right treatment.

Symptoms of Hemophilia
Too much bleeding and getting injured easily are the main symptoms of hemophilia. External Bleeding Symptoms may include:

  • Bleeding in the Mouth
    Resulting from a wound or a bite in the mouth.
  • Bleeding of the Gums
    Excessive blood loss from the gums after dental surgery or after a tooth is extracted.
  • Bleeding from the Nose
    Nosebleeds that occurs frequently for no apparent cause.
  • Bleeding After Vaccines or Cuts
    Excessive bleeding from a small wound or after getting immunization shots.
  • Wounds that Start Bleeding Again
    Bleeding from an injury that restarts after ceasing

Internal Bleeding Symptoms are more severe as it is difficult to detect and may include:

  • Bleeding into the Skin
    Blood oozing into the skin which results in huge bruises caused by the accumulation of blood below the skin.
  • Bleeding into Tissues, Muscles and Joints
    Bleeding into joints like the knees, elbows, ankles, and wrists, soft tissues, and muscles give rise to inflammation, tightness and pain in those areas.
  • Bleeding in the Stomach, Intestine and Kidneys
    Due to internal bleeding in the stomach, kidneys and intestine blood can be found in the excretory waste such as fecal matter and urine.

Bleeding in the Brain
This is a crucial problem for people suffering from hemophilia. It can occur after a major head injury or even after a slight bump to the head. The symptoms of bleeding in the brain are as follows:

  • Terrible headache
  • Stiff and painful neck
  • Drowsiness
  • Incessant vomiting
  • Changes in eyesight and behavior
  • Convulsions
  • Unusual weakness in the limbs
  • Lethargy
  • Paralysis

Treatment of hemophilia
Treatment options for the various symptoms of hemophilia are:

  • Replacement Therapy: In this treatment, the blood clotting factors that are insufficient or absent are replaced intravenously. The factors responsible for clotting can be obtained from human blood or can be prepared in a laboratory. Clotting factors manufactured synthetically are called recombinant clotting factors. This therapy can be prophylactic or on-demand.
  • Desmopressin: It is a man-made hormone that induces the release of clotting factors.
  • Clot-preserving anti-fibrinolytic Medicines: These medications help in preventing clots from breaking down.
  • Fibrin Sealants: They help in healing and clotting and can be directly used on injury sites.
  • First Aid for Minor Cuts: For bleeding under the skin, ice packs are helpful, ice pops are good options for bleeding in the mouth. Pressure and bandage are good options for minor cuts.

Although there is no cure for this condition, if you understand the symptoms and treatment of hemophilia you can live a healthy life. Being aware of the symptoms and treatment of hemophilia can prevent excessive bleeding.