Dietary Tips to Keep Your Dog Healthy and Happy

Dietary Tips to Keep Your Dog Healthy and Happy

If you have a canine companion, you surely want them to be healthy and happy at all times. Right from the time you bring a furry one home, it becomes your responsibility to look after them and ensure that they eat well. Here are some healthy dog food tips and feeding instructions to keep your canine pal satisfied and active:

  • Stick to a balanced, nutritious diet
    Different breeds of dogs have different feeding habits, so there’s no single diet plan that suits every dog. Having said that, a balanced and nutritious diet is a must for every dog, and the components of such a diet remain somewhat the same. One of the basic healthy dog food tips is to ensure that your dog’s diet comprises adequate fluids, proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins, and carbohydrates. However, the proportion varies depending on the breed, size, food habits, and health condition of your pet.
  • Understand the frequency of feeding
    Eating twice daily is most suitable for adult dogs, but puppies should be fed three to six times a day to prevent low blood sugar levels. A few treats once in between meals can also be good, and you can consult the vet to decide on a feeding schedule.
  • Use only the recommended type of bowls
    This healthy dog food tip has more to do with the feeding process than with the food itself. You should avoid feeding your canine friend in plastic bowls as these can trigger allergic reactions or sensitivity in some dogs. Plastic bowls can harbor bacteria and can also be more difficult to clean. Considering all these factors, it’s best to use metal or ceramic bowls for serving dog food and water.
  • Choose safe dog treats
    Dog treats and chews are tasty options and are often given to dogs to encourage certain types of behavior or reward them. You don’t need to avoid treats altogether, but one of the healthy dog food tips is to ensure that you choose safe treats that are free of added preservatives, sweeteners, soy, or corn. Also, these should be given in a restricted manner and should not account for more than 10% of the total calorie intake of your pet.
  • Avoid toxic foods for dogs
    Certain types of foods are either unsuitable or toxic for most breeds of dogs, so avoid feeding these foods directly and also ensure that a store-bought treat does not contain similar ingredients. Some toxic foods are chocolate, grapes, onions, fruit and vegetable seeds, alcoholic or caffeinated drinks and foods, macadamia nuts, yeast dough, xylitol, rotten food, and fatty and salty foods.

Apart from following these healthy dog food tips, do not delay consulting a vet in case your pet develops any symptoms of a food allergy or faces any other health issue.