7 Effective Tips to Quit Smoking

7 Effective Tips to Quit Smoking

The health hazards of smoking are known to most people, but that does not make quitting the habit any easier. The number of people who smoke is only increasing with each passing year, but if one is looking for ways to get rid of this habit, here are some effective methods for smoking cessation:

  • Set a deadline to quit the habit:  Many keep thinking about quitting smoking but never follow up on the idea. If one keeps postponing, they need to start by setting a deadline. The deadline could be the next day or the next week, but it’s best to not postpone it any further and make up one’s mind to quit on the set date.
  • Consider using nicotine replacements:  If one hasn’t thought about nicotine replacements, it’s time for them to give them some serious thought. These replacements are available in the form of patches, gums, lozenges, and e-cigarettes, and they can help curb the nicotine craving that’s a common withdrawal symptom. This makes quitting a tad bit easier, making such replacements among the most effective methods for smoking cessation.
  • Stay away from temptations:  One must throw away all cigarettes and lighters to resist the temptation of getting back into the habit. Also, it’s best to wash one’s clothes properly to get rid of the smell of nicotine. If one has the habit of smoking with peers at work, they should talk to their peers and let them know of the plan to quit.
  • Take help from friends and family:  This is one of the most important and effective methods for smoking cessation for an individual when quitting smoking. Emotional support goes a long way in helping manage the withdrawal symptoms as they can make one angry and irritable. It’s advisable to discuss this with friends and family and ask them to be patient and supportive during such times.
  • Find a new hobby/passion:  This smart and effective method for smoking cessation can help one give up the habit for good. Many people smoke when they’re bored, so one should engage in hobbies or activities to stay away from boredom. One can even try to learn new things to keep themselves occupied.
  • Consult a doctor for prescription pills:  One might be surprised to know that certain prescription pills can help reduce the cravings of nicotine. An individual can talk to their doctor about this.
  • Do not be afraid of failure:  If one fails the first time and gets into the habit again, they don’t have to give up the process of trying to quit. Remember that it takes several tries for some people to quit, so as long as the number of days one stays away from nicotine increases with each try, they should keep trying.