6 Common Signs That Indicate Sleep Apnea

6 Common Signs That Indicate Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is one of the common yet severe sleeping disorders that affect millions of people globally. Around 22 million people are living with the condition in the country alone, and about 80% of the cases are still undiagnosed. Sleep apnea causes a person’s breathing to start and stop while they are asleep, causing disturbed sleep. Here are some signs and symptoms of sleep apnea that one should know about:

  • Loud snoring through the night:  While most adults snore at night, sleep apnea can result in loud snores that continue throughout the night. If a person thinks that they might have sleep apnea, they should talk to their partner to know how intensive their snoring is. In the list of signs and symptoms of sleep apnea, snoring owns a place at the top. If one is confused about whether their snoring is normal or related to this condition, they can watch out for the other symptoms of sleep apnea.
  • Waking up in the middle of the night gasping for breath:  One of the classic signs and symptoms of sleep apnea is the sudden stopping and starting of breathing while one is asleep. However, the body panics when it does not get oxygen, causing one to wake up gasping for breath.
  • Waking up with a dry mouth:  People with obstructive sleep apnea often find it difficult to breathe through the nose while sleeping, so most of them end up breathing through the mouth. This results in a dry mouth when they wake up in the mornings.
  • Struggling with insomnia:  Insomnia is a condition that causes sleeplessness, and both sleep apnea and insomnia are coexistent in most people. When a person keeps waking up multiple times at night due to breathlessness, they may find it difficult to go back to sleep. Insomnia is definitely one of the signs and symptoms of sleep apnea one should look out for.
  • Feeling tired even after a full night’s sleep:  For many people, the first sign of abnormal sleep cycles is tiredness throughout the day. If one feels sleepy and tired even though they had 7-8 hours of sleep at night, it means their sleep cycle was interrupted and apnea could be the cause.
  • Mood swings and irritability in the mornings:  This is also a sign and symptom of sleep apnea that is caused by a lack of sleep. Since people with sleep apnea do not sleep well at night, it shows in their attitude and behavior the next morning and even throughout the day. Many get short-tempered and angry at the smallest of things.

This condition may seem minor but can result in severe health hazards, including cardiac problems. Having said that, sleep apnea is treatable with medication and assistive aids, so one should be aware of the signs and symptoms of the condition and consult a doctor if they are noticed.